Matomo Analytics

2020 was a strange and rough year, COVID-19 has changed our lives and has not gone unnoticed sadly. No one was expecting a worldwide pandemic at the start of 2020. Projects got cancelled, budgets got cut off and people have been laid off their jobs.

Aside from the annoying lockdowns and measures that had to be taken, we were not going to give up or back down. Instead, we've had a very busy year with a lot to tell you once again. In fact, we were happy to announce we started 2020 with a partnership together with DigitalOcean:

To sum up 2020 for Ploi:

A lot of these articles actually contain more features & releases which we have not mentioned, it is totally worth it to read them through and get familiar with the features we offer. Besides the mentioned articles & features there have been a lot of small additions to the system which are usually not always mentioned in the news articles but mostly on social media. However we have recently started with adding changelogs to our news items (as well as this one)

Be sure to follow us on social media!

That being said we are not going to stop here. We have a lot of plans for Ploi in 2021 and there is a lot coming (just by checking out our should say enough)

Thank you for using Ploi in 2020 and hope to see you in 2021, waiting for a big bag of features to come that year πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‹

Here is the recap of last year:


21 December 2020


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