Matomo Analytics

12 minutes to make your server perfect

We made a huge effort to make your server installation as easy as possible. You shouldn't be bothered with annoying installation procedures and security issues. Ploi handles this for you.

Our average installation time is 12 minutes. We take this time to give some extra care to your server, making sure everything is set up correctly.

So what software gets installed?

So what is installed on my server by default? To make sure you have a flying start, we install the following software:

  • NGINX webserver
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL or MariaDB
  • Redis server
  • Supervisor
  • PHP (5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 available)
  • Composer
  • Memcached
  • NPM (NodeJS)
  • UFW Firewall
  • Fail2ban
  • Basic packages

How are updates handled?

Security updates and patches are essential, that's why Ploi sets this up automatically for you. Your server will handle these itself after installation.

Package updates are configurable. You can set up a schedule inside our panel to update your packages. The output of the updates will be sent to the notification channels you attach: you are in full control.

Server Updates

Different supported server types


The generic webserver we offer comes with all the defaults installed: webserver, database, Redis, and much more. This is configurable upon installation.

Load balancer

Load balance your traffic over several webservers to distribute traffic. Our special panel makes this a piece of cake for you to configure.

Database Server

A separate database server is more scalable in the future. That's why you can install database-specific optimized servers for your applications.

Redis Server

Need a caching solution for your applications or want to store data to be fetched later temporarily? Set up a scalable Redis server easily and manage settings through our panel.

Worker Server

The worker server is meant for running PHP background tasks, such as queues. Easily scale your application by running multiple workers in different locations without a sweat.

Storage Server

Serve your own storage server, powered by the S3 compatible Minio software. You're able to safely store and host your own files without a sweat.

MeiliSearch Server

Eager to increase and speed up the search results from your website? Create a MeiliSearch server which makes searching documents real easy and quick.

Elasticsearch Server

Search petabytes of data stored on object stores like S3 in minutes. Easily 1-click create an Elasticsearch server with Ploi and be on your way.

Plain Server

A plain server? Yes. This server is a clean server, without webserver for example, but it is easily manageable via Ploi. It is up to you what you want to install on this server.

Docker Server

Docker support in Ploi allows you to run any container on your server without the hassle of setup and maintenance. You can also install it to a default server with 1-click.

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