Matomo Analytics

Your backups, in 1 place

It's everyone's biggest nightmare: data loss. Besides losing a lot of time and money with the data you lose, you might not even be able to restore a backup simply because you don't have one.

Let Ploi make automatic periodic backups of your database to ensure you have the most recent backup available in case of data loss.

Database backup

Where can I backup to?

We offer the following providers to backup your databases to.

  • Google Drive
  • Dropbox
  • AWS S3
  • DigitalOcean Spaces
  • Custom S3
  • SFTP
  • FTP
  • Local (specify a local path on your server to backup to)

Restoring backups

Besides multiple drivers to backup your data to, we also offer a 1-click solution to easily restore your database.

And you can restore them per driver, giving you lots of options to restore from.

Backup restore