Matomo Analytics

Don't have a domain yet to test on, or don't want to switch the main DNS yet? 

No problem, we've got your back now. You can now easily 1-click enable a testing domain for your site in Ploi so you can easily view the website without any DNS setup. Under the hood we utilize the Cloudflare API to create a DNS record in the domain.
CleanShot 2020-07-11 at [email protected] 355.42 KB
With that, we also silently released another big feature yesterday. You are now able to rollback deployments with the click of a button. 
This makes a great feature because you're able to quickly switch back to a previous version if something didn't go right.
CleanShot 2020-07-14 at 11.03.00.png 94.89 KB

At this time, we keep track of the latest 5 deployments, so you're able to go back 5 deployments in total. If you pushed a new fix to your repository, you can just click the original deploy button and it will pull in the latest changes.

  • [Added] Testing domains
  • [Added] Rollback deployments
  • [Added] Route 53 support for Let’s Encrypt wildcard domains
  • [Added] Microsoft teams notifications support
  • [Added] Path label to SSL certificates to see where the certificate is stored
  • [Added] PostgreSQL to service status list (status tab)
  • [Added] Support for CIDR firewall rules ( (
  • [Added] Support for daemon directory input (
  • [Re-added] Cloning sites (currently only for sites using ploi user)
  • [Updated] Darkmode progress & tweaks
  • [Updated] File explorer UI has been revamped completely
  • [Updated] Terms & privacy policy updated (,
  • [Fixed] Quick deploy toggle had issues with enabling/disabling
  • [Fixed] Editing database config file while postgresql installed wouldn’t be able to find the config file
  • [Fixed] When deleting the last domain alias, it wouldn't allow you, fixed validation for this
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14 July 2020


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