Matomo Analytics

Yes! You are now able to backup your databases to your S3 bucket ?

We have had a huge amount of requests for S3 backups ( and basically this is just the beginning. We will also start supporting other S3 drivers such as our own supported storage server MinIO, or like Wasabi S3.

Check out our article how to retrieve your security details for your server to access your bucket, so it can upload your backup ?


  • [Added] AWS S3 backups ?
  • [Added] Ability for users on a subscription to easily upgrade/downgrade their subscription
  • [Added] Ability to run site file backups on demand via UI
  • [Added] Displaying backup file size in database backups, this is not available for all drivers yet
  • [Updated] New Hetzner logo
  • [Updated] DNS tab CAA record did not have border color, added this
  • [Updated] Deployment email (& failed one) added server name in subject
  • [Fixed] Updating a network rule when it was SSH port would not function properly
  • [Fixed] Site file backups would not always run, we have told them to stop goofing around and just run
  • [Fixed] Responsive design in frontend documentation improved
  • [Fixed] Automatic system user name generation when creating a domain was faulty when TLD was like:
  • [Fixed] Telegram server updates notification, we do not send the log output anymore as it was getting too big for telegram to handle
  • [Started] Progress on service status tab on server level, to quickly see what the statuses are for several services (like nginx, php, etc)

05 February 2020


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