It's been a while since we send out our latest newsletter, but that doesn't mean we haven’t been doing anything.
Progress is still well alive and ongoing strongly. We are so hyped to show you what’s coming, be sure to check out our roadmap to keep posted of the latest features, bugs and suggestions!
That being said, we've got something new to show you once again.
Webserver templates!
This feature makes it possible to save NGINX virtual host config files to your account, so you can select these to create your sites. Think of a specific Magento configuration, or a Statamic site where you need to do customization.
You can select the webserver template when pressing the "Advanced" button upon creating a site, in there you'll find a dropdown containing all your created webserver template configurations. CleanShot 2020-10-26 at 11.39.20.png247.37 KB
Composer 2 is out!
Composer 2, with a huge performance increase has been released. All new servers provisioned by Ploi are automatically using the latest version. We leave it up to our users to upgrade from version 1 to 2, which is a real easy task to do so.
If you want to upgrade, all you need to run is this command in your command line:
composer self-update —2
From there, composer will do everything to update to version 2.
More information about version 2 and the changes that are done: