Matomo Analytics

This year marks a year that’s mostly about bug fixing and improving logic that isn’t directly visible for you, as a customer. Nonetheless, we’ve still pushed a lot of updates this year!

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Next year, we’ll be focussing a lot more on visible updates for you. We’ve got some really exciting stuff planned for the beginning of the new year, for now we can’t say anything, sit tight and keep following us!

Let's sum up a few of the highlights for 2023!

PHP 8.3 added

PHP 8.3 was released on November 23, 2023, and we supported this version directly after. You can easily install PHP 8.3 via the PHP tab when you visit your server in Ploi. Please note that older OS versions like Ubuntu 18 might not support PHP 8.3 and you’ll not be able to install this version. In that case, you might want to consider upgrading your server or migrating to a fresh server.

What's coming for 2024?

So when you’re looking at our, you might of notice we’re not done yet. There is so much awesome stuff on there, and we do not stop working until we’ve finished all those cards. If you have a feature in mind or discovered a bug, do not hesitate and submit it to our roadmap. We also post regularly on our social media about the updates we do. 

Be sure to follow us!

Thank you for using Ploi in 2023 and we hope to see you in 2024, waiting for a big bag of features to come that year 😎👋

Here is the recap of last year:


  • [Added] PHP 8.3 🎉
  • [Added] Postgresql 16
  • [Added] MariaDB 11.2 & MariaDB 10.11
  • [Added] Confirm modal when deleting an SSH key from your profile
  • [Added] Worker IP address is now added to the testing connection failed email so you know which to whitelist
  • [Added] More randomized server name possibilities, there are now 14.000+ possibilities for randomized server names
  • [Added] Ability to move sites between server system users
  • [Added] Ability to redirect to the panel when you’re accessing and you’re logged in
  • [Added] 1Password button added whenever you’re getting your server credentials (in settings tab)
  • [Added] Sweden region for UpCloud provider
  • [Added] Version numbers for every service possible in status tab
  • [Added] Filter on server index to filter on servers that require a reboot
  • [Added] 2 more testing domains, &
  • [Changed] Cloudflare key’s now used scoped keys instead of the global API keys for enhanced security
  • [Changed] Increased max configuration length Docker applications
  • [Changed] Upgraded our site uptime monitoring servers, their IP’s has changed
  • [Changed] Email server type has been deprecated
  • [Improved] Is supervisor running insight will now automatically get removed once you provision queue’s or daemons
  • [Improved] Referral program has been revised, you can now see in detail how many referees you’ve received
  • [Fixes] Symphony tab improved
  • [Internal] We’ve migrated from Laravel Mix to Vite 

18 December 2023


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