Matomo Analytics

5 years. Think about it, 5 full years. That’s 43.830 hours, 2.629.800 minutes and 157.788.000 seconds 🤯

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In 5 years we’ve been able to provide so much awesome features and feedback from our customers! This is why we’ve completely updated our homepage temporarily to show a few highlighted things that happened over the course of 5 years, check it out: 🎉

The next 5 years?

The next 5 years we’ll again do our best to keep serving you the best experience with managing your servers and sites. We still have a roadmap full (thank you for that!) of features, suggestions and bugs that we can process for Ploi 🤝


We’ve made it a default to do a recap each year, we started doing these in 2019 and we’d like to sum these up, from old to new:

Don’t forget

Don’t forget to follow us on our social media & Discord, where we regularly post updates and questions! We’ve also recently joined mastodon!

If you’re happy with us we love to hear from you in form of a review if you have the time, it shouldn’t take more than 2 minutes!


  • [Added] 5 years 🎉
  • [Added] NGINX editor on server level for main server files
  • [Added] Brand new auth pages (login, register, 2FA, locked)
  • [Added] Grouping Vultr servers in server builder
  • [Added] Basic Node version manager installation (manage tab)
  • [Added] Markdown support when suspending a website
  • [Added] Delete website-related cronjob when website is deleted
  • [Added] Label inside backup overview from the backup configuration
  • [Added] Laravel Octane support for PHP 8.2
  • [Added] Laravel about command to the Laravel tab
  • [Added] When using IP whitelisting for the API, and you get denied, you now see the IP address your using in the message to debug it
  • [Added] Drastically changed the deploy live log output, much more intuitive now
  • [Added] Custom deployments feature also for applications now
  • [Added] Comment support for Cloudflare DNS integration
  • [Added] Ability to sort backups by name in the backups overview
  • [Added] Toggle all button for scripts when you want to run it on all servers
  • [Added] Ability to monitor a path for site uptime monitoring
  • [Added] Ability to enter multiple IP addresses when adding a network rule
  • [Re-Added] Backup restore
  • [Improved] Applications on worker server, added deployment logs, rotations and notifications
  • [Improved] Reworked all S3 backup commands to prevent the issue with .credentials and .config files
  • [Improved] Dropbox backup error handling registration is now better
  • [Improved] Vultr API key validation
  • [Improved] VAT validation message
  • [Updated] Nextcloud version to 25
  • [Updated] InertiaJS to version 1
  • [Updated] Active statement sidebar if you’re in a site, to have the sites tab active
  • [Fixed] Editing backup configurations in your profile
  • [Fixed] Monitoring view when refreshing & dropdown range 
  • [Fixed] DigitalOcean DNS now uses the actual provider where the server has been created with
  • [Removed] OctoberCMS support

Changelog API

Changelog Ploi Core

  • [Added] NZD currency support
  • [Added] Ability to configure if impersonation is possible
  • [Added] Notification message when a sync to system fails
  • [Added] Cancel subscription button for users to list itself, they can also change/swap their subscription
  • [Fixed] Ticket label in admin
  • [Fixed] User creation error in admin
  • [Fixed] Bugfix for synchronizing sites with PHP version

10 February 2023


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