Matomo Analytics

You will need to create an API token inside your DigitalOcean account, this is fairly easy.

Start by logging in to and go to "API" in the left sidebar (or click here). Make sure you press "Tokens" and then "Generate New Token".

DigitalOcean API token

Next, when creating a token you can select Custom Scopes, Read Only, and Full Access. Full Access is optional, it ensures Ploi will be able to manage your server fully, however, if you would like to be explicit you can choose Custom Scopes and select these scopes:

  • account -> read

  • droplet -> create

  • droplet -> read

  • droplet -> delete

  • ssh_key -> create

  • ssh_key -> read

After creating you'll be presented with the API key, which you can enter in your Ploi profile.

06 December 2018 (last updated 2 months ago)


Written by Dennis

Dennis brings over 6 years of hands-on experience in server management, specializing in optimizing web services for scalability and security.

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