Matomo Analytics

Another packed update this time, with a lot coming as well 🏄‍♂️

Worker servers

As of now, you may easily create worker servers for your PHP background tasks such as queues. The worker server is quite similar to the plain server, but comes with supervisor installed and you’re able to install "apps" on it. 

Apps are just like domains you'd install on a server, but without NGINX configuration, you can easily use SFTP or GIT to clone your applications on these servers and run the workers on the fly.

Site file backups

We're actively working on a fairly big refactor for site file backups, especially the 20-minute limit and error reporting. When the 20-minute limit is reached, it would always dump that same error that the limit has been reached which isn’t really helpful if you want to debug.

That’s why we’re going to be pushing a fair few of updates to the site file backups. Do note; as user, you’ll probably not notice much of this as it's mostly in the backend, but we do appreciate any feedback at this point so we can process that as well along with it, we’re planning on releasing this update this month.

New roadmap

Some of you might already notice, that we've moved to a fresh piece of software for our roadmap, which is open source as well. Visit the roadmap here, and while you're at it, if you have a suggestion don’t hesitate to submit that. Oh, and to make things easy, you can log in with your Ploi account ✅

Changelog Ploi

  • [Added] Dry-run staging to production deployments
  • [Added] Live deploy log staging to production
  • [Added] Europe Milan (eu-south-1) to backup configurations AWS
  • [Added] Tenants UI view, able to manage tenants from there (manage tab, site level)
  • [Added] Worker server
  • [Added] Ability to use web server templates in profile for your Ploi Core installation (if you have a license)
  • [Changed] Raised workers for site statistics to process them faster
  • [Changed] Roadmap switched:
  • [Changed] Updated about page
  • [Changed] Removed NGINX Amplify installation for Ubuntu 22 (not supported yet)
  • [Fixed] Bug with rotating file backups S3 driver
  • [Fixed] When retrieving the PostgreSQL database configuration it would say it can’t find the configuration file
  • [Fixed] Bug when using Laravel Octane 1-click, wouldn't consider aliases, it does that now
  • [Fixed] When spawning the Laravel cronjobs from the Laravel tab, it wouldn't attach it to the site
  • [Fixed] GitLab's oauth tokens expired after 2 hours, we made them renew automatically in deployments (this can still result in push errors if you use Statamic for example, we recommend setting up your repository using SSH instead of HTTPS)
  • [Removed] Cookie banner (we don’t set any tracking cookies anymore)

Changelog Ploi API

Changelog Ploi Core

  • [Added] BRL currency
  • [Added] PHP version on sites list
  • [Added] Site aliases
  • [Added] Ability to receive an email when a customer creates a site
  • [Fixed] Synchronizing sites all used the wrong foreign ID

22 June 2022


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