Katapult is a server provider that has been around for over 17 years already, and since 2017 their main focus was becoming eco-friendly. According to their statistics, they have already planted over 1(!) million trees!
We’ve been able to test Katapult’s platform thoroughly when building the integration for Ploi, and we can say we’re very pleased with the promises they make. Their panel is fluent & fast, and deploying servers with Katapult usually doesn’t take longer than 30 to 60 seconds.
To add Katapult as a server provider to your account follow this guide: https://ploi.io/documentation/server-providers/add-katapult-as-server-provider
- [Added] Katapult server provider
- [Added] Support for MariaDB 10.6 (ubuntu 20) * PostgreSQL 14
- [Added] Ability to delete ignored insights
- [Added] Ability to have servers in status pages collapsed/uncollapsed by default
- [Added] New Hetzner datacenter (Ashburn)
- [Added] Ability to restart your NodeJS application server after deployment (checkbox in the settings tab)
- [Added] Added timestamp to .sql file backups
- [Added] Ability to press CMD/CTRL + S to save inside deploy script
- [Updated] Made several modals with the editor inside larger (a remake of all the modals is coming very soon)
- [Fixed] Bug for spawning a NodeJS server button loading state (kept being disabled)
- [Fixed] Several server insights bugs
- [Fixed] A bug in Hetzner DNS that wouldn’t save a record when creating a new one
- [Fixed] Pagination inside backups overview when in the files tab
- [Fixed] An issue when you changed the domain, the available queue workers would also update all sub-domain’s queue workers, this behavior is fixed now
- [Fixed] Server service status tab would not reflect new notification channels when just added, it does now
- [Fixed] Overflow issue with the collapsed sidebar on the left when a small window was being used