Matomo Analytics

We are excited to announce that we have released AWS EC2 support, you can now easily use the Amazon integration right from the Ploi system.

Ploi will automatically select the newest official Ubuntu 18.04 LTS release for you to be installed. We also have created a guide on how to get your credentials from AWS.

While creating an AWS EC2 server you also have the ability to manually specify the disk size which defaults to 15GB. We have added a link to the AWS calculator so you can calculate the monthly server price.


  • [Added] AWS EC2 support ?
  • [Added] Status page incidents
  • [Added] Dark mode for status pages (light, dark, auto)
  • [Updated] Renewed indexes for servers, teams & status pages to be more clear when no records are present
  • [Updated] New toaster
  • [Updated] Sidebar now has less dropdowns to reduce click throughs
  • [Updated] Balanced the way server monitoring stats where send from servers
  • [Updated] Our VAT number to be compliant with new EU laws
  • [Fixed] Validation message for when adding Telegram notification channel which was not clear
  • [Fixed] Telegram notifications content too long (limited now)
  • [Fixed] Deleting a DigitalOcean server failure fix
  • [Fixed] API site repository was not functioning properly

04 January 2020


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