Matomo Analytics

Our holiday is over, and we’re back in action, to make sure you don’t have to spend too much time on server & site management.

Source control has become much easier

This was one of the most requested features by far we ever got, so we dove into this and made this a pretty sick feature 🔥

The roadmap item in question: (we know it has a few votes, that’s because we migrated from our old road mapping software to the open source road mapping software)

CleanShot 2022-09-13 at 17.03.38.png 418.58 KB

It is now possible to attach multiple GIT accounts to your Ploi account and use them to install your projects. Very handy if you have another GIT account from the same provider (like GitLab, or GitHub) and want to be able to manage both.

Head over to your profile, and press the blue button behind the desired provider. Do note, that whenever you want to attach a new provider, you’re logged out before you’re trying to attach a new provider. Chances are, you’ll probably attach a GIT account that’s already attached to your Ploi account.

We’ve also introduced the ability to view how many repositories are using your GIT provider and you can click on the counter and see which repositories are actually using that GIT provider 👊

Backups now have a try limit of 5

We’ve done quite a few updates to the backup system and while this is still ongoing, we wanted to show you 2 new updates to that.

The first one is that backups (currently only database) will have a try limit of 5, if it fails 5 times, then it will deactivate. It will also notify you each time it fails including a detailed error of what’s going on.

The second one is that the backups overview is now bigger and shows a "failed" badge (including the number of tries) whenever a backup fails. With that, you can also press the failed badge and see a description as to why it failed.

For now, that’s it, a bit of a smaller changelog because of the vacation, but we’re back in action and already pushing out new updates💙

Changelog Ploi

  • [Added] Ability to attach multiple GIT accounts from the same provider 🔥
  • [Added] Backup update - we now display failed messages in the backup overview and have a max tries of 5
  • [Added] {SITE_PHP} deploy script variable, usable for getting the whole PHP handler: php8.1
  • [Fixes] To the docker integration, mostly from user feedback
  • [Fixed] Site file backup for SFTP rotating
  • [Fixed] If a deployment message was longer than 255 characters we were unable to save that because of the 255 VARCHAR limit, changed it to TEXT
  • [Removed] action_events table traces (Nova) from our database (you really shouldn’t care about this)

13 September 2022


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