Matomo Analytics


We come to you once again, with a great update, the NGINX update 🔥

We’ve been meaning to visualize the NGINX configuration flow for a while now, and we can safely say we’ve landed on a design and functionality we think is absolutely perfect.

CleanShot 2022-10-21 at [email protected] 634.78 KB
When you press "NGINX configuration" on your site, you’ll now see the main configuration on the left right away, and on the right, you’ll see all the files that are being loaded by your NGINX configuration for that specific website.

We are also planning on the following updates for this new editor:

  • Ability to have some kind of version control (for example undo changed configs)
  • Ability to restore original configuration files

If you have any suggestions on this NGINX update please let us know!


  • [Added] Fluent NGINX configuration editor
  • [Added] Ability to specify the path when creating basic auth user
  • [Added] Ability for a team member to leave a team on their own
  • [Added] Custom Gitlab server support
  • [Added] Ability to set up a delay for quick deploy triggers
  • [Added] 5 tries to file backups the same as database backups
  • [Added] Detailed error reporting to failed file backups the same as database backups
  • [Added] Indicator on backups overview to see if there are backups that have failed
  • [Added] Force renew SSL button (only for Let’s Encrypt certificates)
  • [Added] UpCloud Ubuntu 22 support
  • [Added] New insight: sites that use outdated PHP versions
  • [Updated] phpMyAdmin installation to version 5.2
  • [Improved] Saving the .env file has become much smarter as we added validation
  • [Improved] Empty states extracted to their own component and used everywhere there’s no records
  • [Fixed] Flush CGI modal bugfix
  • [Fixed] Missed semicolon tenants PHP change
  • [Fixed] No sites for team members if they were attached to more than 1 team
  • [Fixed] Several dark mode fixes
  • [Fixed] SSH key was not displaying for SFTP backups when creating a backup
  • [Removed] SSH keys count from the dashboard (why did we have this there in the first place?)

Changelog API

  • [Added] Ability to specify the path when creating basic auth user
  • [Added] Accept wildcard requests for SSL

21 October 2022


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