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We have made our Trello board public for everyone to see. If you submit a feature or bug, chances are big you will see it back on the Trello board.

You can find it here:

Local backups & interval

Thanks to one of our members you are now able to automatically create MySQL backups to your local drive.

For those wondering about use cases, on top of backing up to the local file system, you can also backup to a mounted volume and not have to worry about losing backups if you destroy the droplet, much easier to setup than (S)FTP also.

Not to forget is the interval feature as well, when selecting a database to backup you will be able to set a interval. This can vary from each 10 minutes to 8 hours, you can also select 'Each night' so Ploi will always back up each night for you automatically.

Pricing update

As of the 10th of August we will change our prices, these price changes will be as following:

PlanOld PriceNew Price

As always we hope to see you soon @ and if you have any questions just let us know!

06 August 2018


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