Matomo Analytics

Some of you might have already noticed, something has changed with the DNS tab. It’s because we’ve completely redesigned the way DNS management works in Ploi.

Before, you’d be able to save Cloudflare & Hetzner API credentials for DNS management, and for DigitalOcean, Vultr, and others you’d need to have a server provider attached.

Multiple providers

This is no more and has been separated. You can now easily create your own (and as many) DNS providers under the Integrations tab in your profile.

The biggest benefit of this is that you can now also save other API keys from your customers to manage their DNS, instead of having to add all the domains to your Cloudflare account (or any other provider) for example.

The part where we mean action required is a 50% chance it went right in the migration, or not. How do you check & fix? That’s the easy part luckily.

How to check & fix

Go to your site in Ploi where you know DNS was configured, and simply open the DNS tab, if it loads all is good. If it throws you a big red toast, then you’d need to update the DNS provider in your profile under the Integrations tab.

If you did that, then also check in the site settings, under the DNS provider card, if the correct DNS provider has been selected. After that, you’re good to go!


  • [Added] Ability to have as many DNS providers as you want
  • [Added] Line numbers to the editor for tenants (NGINX config)
  • [Added] Ability to edit the bitbucket source control providers for their workspace name
  • [Improved] Hetzner DNS certificate request is now being done via an official certbot plugin
  • [Fixed] Issue with saving in the NGINX editor which would result in a 500 error (our side)
  • [Fixed] Applications would not allow to change repository or branch in repository tab

15 July 2024


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