Matomo Analytics

We've worked hard on making installing Laravel Octane as easy as possible for you, and we're happy to present you can now 1-click enable a Laravel Octane server easily.

You have the ability to save the settings desired to your needs and spawn an Octane server on the fly. We’ll also show you the output log live. You can easily enable Octane for new sites, but also for existing sites.

When enabling, Ploi will switch from FPM to Octane (either Roadrunner or Swoole) and when you disable it will automatically switch back to FPM, so when changing Ploi will always keep your site online.

Do note that during this news item, Laravel Octane is still in beta and we do not recommend running it on a production website.

We've setup a real simple Github repository for you to give it a try:, you'll need at least Laravel Octane 0.3.1 or higher in your Laravel installation.

If you run into any issues or have any feedback please let us know!


  • [Added] Laravel Octane is now available through the Laravel tab
  • [Added] Blue alert for when creating a backup and there's no DB's
  • [Added] Ability to see what last API token usage was
  • [Added] New starter kits are now available for Statamic
  • [Added] Ability to exclude folders/files for site file backups
  • [Added] Ability to edit site file backups
  • [Updated] Cloudflare config for NGINX added 2 new IP addresses
  • [Fixed] Invoice with a long billing address on one line would not break on new line, this is resolved
  • [Fixed] Cloudflare DNS proxy would be disabled when you edit the record, solved now

Changelog Ploi API

22 April 2021


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