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Markdown is a simple way to format text that looks great on any device. Here's how to use it in Ploi's support platform:

Basic Formatting

  • Bold: Use **double asterisks** around text.

  • Italic: Use *single asterisks* around text.

  • Strikethrough: Use ~~double tildes~~ around text.


Create headers by using # symbols:

Main Header (H1)

Sub-Header (H2)

Smaller Header (H3)


Unordered list:

  • Use a dash - or asterisk *

  • For each list item

Ordered list:

  1. Use numbers

  2. For each item


Create a link like this: [Ploi](


For inline code, use single backticks: code here

For code blocks, use triple backticks:


function example() { return "Hello, Ploi!"; }


Use a > symbol for quotes.

Horizontal Rule

Use three dashes --- for a horizontal line:

Remember, Markdown is designed to be easy to write and read.

11 September 2024 (last updated 1 month ago)


Written by Dennis

Dennis brings over 6 years of hands-on experience in server management, specializing in optimizing web services for scalability and security.

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