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The deploy webhook URL is a great way to automate your deployments. Either via GitHub actions or another CI system, with the deploy webhook URL you can deploy whenever you want.

You can find the deploy webhook URL in your site, in the Repository tab, look for the Deploy webhook URL card. In there you can easily copy the deploy webhook URL or refresh the token, in case you think it got exposed or needs swapping.

The deploy URL requires a POST or OPTIONS method and the URL structure looks like this:

Additionally, you may pass in variables as query parameters or JSON body that'll be available inside your deploy script.

Example URL via query parameters:[tag]=v1.0.0&variables[branch]=staging

Example URL with JSON body:

JSON body:

    "variables": {
        "tag": "v1.0.0"
        "branch": "staging"

In both these examples, the variables $TAG and $BRANCH will be available inside your deploy script:

cd /home/ploi/

echo $TAG
echo $BRANCH



07 August 2024 (last updated 7 months ago)


Written by Dennis

Dennis brings over 6 years of hands-on experience in server management, specializing in optimizing web services for scalability and security.

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